
Gymnázium Třebíč: Education for life
founded in 1871

Gymnázium Třebíč provides

  • high quality education which is the best way to prepare for student life at prestigious universities in the Czech Republic and abroad alike
  • qualified teaching of four global languages (English, German, French, Russian) up to B2 level (or higher if possible) according to CEFRL (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
  • the option to choose your own path and gain in-depth knowledge and skills thanks to a wide range of optional seminars in the 3rd and 4th year of study
  • aesthetic education (fine art, music) according to your choice

Gymnázium Třebíč offers

  • one-day excursions or longer
  • adaptation courses for newcomers (4- or 8-year students), sports trips, skiing trips
  • language and sightseeing trips abroad (Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Austria, France, Poland)
  • extracurricular activities such as sports lessons, sports tournaments, competitions in athletics, photography, recitation, literature and, last but not least, taking part in ZVONEK- students’ magazine

Gymnázium Třebíč enables to

  • develop your abilities and talent in sports, art, and other areas of interest
  • take part in competitions (including SOČ- Středoškolská odborná činnost) at various levels of difficulty (including national and international levels) according to your knowledge and interest
  • participate in artistic performances such as theatre, concerts, and art exhibitions

Our vision

We are trying to create a school which is

  • attractive for students and employees alike
  • a natural choice for students that guarantees high quality comprehensive education and excellent preparation for university studies
  • constantly developing and improving by means of mutual exchange of ideas among teachers, students and their parents

Our focus

Gymnázium Třebíč provides comprehensive education which prepares students for future university studies in a wide range of fields. The school has no specialisation, instead the central focus is on a wide selection of optional subjects that enable students to follow their area of interest. Third- and fourth-year students can choose from up to 20 to 30 specialised seminars.

Our objectives

The main objective is to stimulate our students’ inner motivation for active life-long learning. One of the top priorities is to support and develop our students’ natural talent, creativity, and ability with the goal of bringing substantial benefit not only for students themselves but for the whole society.


Three subjects take priority in the curriculum: Czech, Mathematics, and English. These offer a solid basis for learning other subjects, which is why they are allotted more lessons per week. Lessons of English are partially taught by native speakers and students are given the option of preparing for international language certificate exams.

Support for students

Within the curriculum the school supports the development of key competences with particular emphasis placed upon the link between theoretical knowledge and practical use. We aim to provide positive experience, the acquisition of self-confidence, the development of critical thinking, and methods of self-evaluation. Students are encouraged to take part in various competitions.

Extra-curricular activities

Every year the school organises a wide range of extra-curricular activities to complete those within the curriculum: adaptation courses, skiing trips, sports trips, excursions, language and sightseeing trips, art exhibitions.


Our graduates leave with a comprehensive education; they are fully equipped as far as foreign languages are concerned and they are also ready to go on to study at any university of their choice in the Czech Republic as well as abroad.

They can process information effectively and they are able to assess its quality and credibility. Moreover, they use information systematically and purposefully in the process of learning and in practical life.

They are able to think creatively and critically and work on their own as well as in a group.

They are able to learn independently and fully appreciate both the social and personal importance of life-long learning.

They are able to use modern IT technologies independently and creatively.

They are self-confident and prepared to face the consequences of their own conduct.

They are able to develop and protect their own physical, mental, and social health and are responsible for them.

They adhere to moral and legal norms, thereby contributing towards the cultivation of civil society.

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